recently published a list called “9 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Engineers”. We found a couple to be surprising, like actors Dolph Lundgren and Rowan Atkinson. A few were fairly obvious, like the creator of Dilbert, Scott Adams, and Bill Nye The Science Guy. Adams’ comic series is based on satirical office humor featuring an engineer named Dilbert. Bill Nye is a Mechanical Engineer who hosts a science education show. A little more about them, along with 7 other famous people, can be found at the link below.

Though their list does include a US President, Duotech conducted some research of our own on other presidents and found another that was not listed in the Engineer Jobs article. Herbert Hoover, the 31st President of the United States from 1929–1933, was a Mining Engineer. He worked at mines in both Australia and China. In 1905 he founded his own zinc mining company.

Another celebrity who most do not know is an engineer is a race car driver. Ryan Newman, a popular driver in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, is a vehicle-structure engineer. In one year while attending Purdue University, Newman ran 15 races in the NASCAR Busch Series.

Want to know the rest of EngineerJobs celebrities who are also engineers? Follow the link below. Do you know other famous people who were unknown engineers that we’ve missed? Share them with us in the comments below.

9 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Engineers

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