The 1970s – The Vietnam War would end but the Cold War continued the chess match between the United States and the Soviet Union. It was the decade when the F-18 Hornet, F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-15 Eagle, and the F-14 Tomcat would enter service. Today, all but the F-14 still command the skies. Not to be left behind, the Soviet Union would also have their first flights in the MiG-27, MiG-29, and the MiG-31.

Two things that aviation in the 70s had in common with the ’60s were hijackings and crashed aircraft. In fact, 1972 is listed as the deadliest year in commercial aviation history with 2373 people dying from aircraft crashes around the world. Aircraft hijackings also became commonplace between 1961 and 1972 with as many as 159 hijackings in the United States, most of them with Cuba as the destination. Because of this, mandatory security screening of all airline passengers would be required at all U.S. airports beginning in January 1973.

There were so many accidents and hijackings during this period that we chose to focus more on the 70’s aviation highlights like world records, first flights, big news moments, and aircraft innovations, like the ones listed below.

A Timeline of the Seventies in Aviation


  • January 17 – the first flight of Sukhoi T-6-2IG, the prototype of Sukhoi Su-24 ‘Fencer’
  • January 22 – Pan American World Airways begins the world’s first wide-body airliner service, introducing the first Boeing 747 into service on the New York-London route.
  • January 31 – The Convair B-58 Hustler entered service with the United States Air Force
  • February – The last flight of an active U.S. Navy anti-submarine Lockheed P-2 Neptune takes place. The P-2 had been inactive U.S. Navy service since March 1947
  • February 15 – Hugh Dowding, the commander of Royal Air Force Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain, dies at the age of 87.
  • February 17–18 – United States Air Force Boeing B-52 Stratofortresses attack Laos.
  • February 24 – The aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal is recommissioned by the Royal Navy after the ship has gone through a complete refit.
  • February 25 – Trans World Airlines becomes the first airlines to offer Boeing 747 for non-stop services between Los Angeles, California, and New York City
  • February 27 – Hawker Siddeley begins buying back surplus Hawker Hunters from the Royal Air Force to remanufacture for new customers.
  • March 13 – Martin Marietta X-24A first powered flight following launch from a Boeing B-52. The X-24 was designed to test the concept of powered reentry and landing that would be later used by the Space Shuttle.
  • March 28 – A United States Navy F-4J Phantom II fighter shoots down a North Vietnamese MiG-21 fighter, scoring the only American air-to-air kill between September 1968 and January 1971
  • April 24 – The United States begins Operation Patio, involving air strikes inside Cambodia.
  • May 1 – B-52 Stratofortress strikes and helicopter assaults against North Vietnamese forces are part of the first day of the American and South Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia.
  • May 20 – The Tupolev Tu-144 becomes the first commercial transport to reach Mach 2. This Russian supersonic transport looked similar to the Concord, but the performance and reliability of the Tu-144 led to its retirement in 1978 from passenger flight.
  • May 21 – U.S. President Richard Nixon signs the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 and the Airport and Airway Revenue Act. The acts were meant to fill funding gaps in the airport and airway system, which had become inadequate due to the rapid growth of aviation.
  • May 26 – Operation Menu, the 14-month-long covert American bombing campaign by B-52 Stratofortresses against North Vietnamese Army sanctuaries in Cambodia, comes to an end.
  • June 6 – C-5 Galaxy enters service with the USAF
  • July – Trans World Airlines becomes the first airline to offer a no-smoking section aboard every aircraft in its fleet.
  • July 3 – Canada’s last aircraft carrier, HMCS Bonaventure, is decommissioned.
  • July 17 – Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport is the first airport to conduct passenger screening to help prevent hijackings.
  • July 22 – West Germany and the United Kingdom sign an agreement to develop the Multi-Role Combat Aircraft as the Panavia Panther. It later will emerge as the Panavia Tornado.
  • July 30 – The Egyptian Air Force loses five MiG fighters and their pilots in a single day of combat with the Israeli Air Force
  • August 24 – Two U.S. Air Force Sikorsky HH-53C Sea Stallion helicopters complete a nine-day, seven-stop flight of 9,000 miles from Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, to Da Nang, South Vietnam, facilitated by in-flight refueling by HC-130 Hercules tanker aircraft.
  • September 6 – Flying the Catbird, a radio-controlled model airplane of his own design, Maynard L. Hill sets a new world record recognized by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale for gain in altitude by a radio-controlled airplane. Launched by hand from the Naval Weapons Laboratory airfield at Dahlgren, Virginia, Catbird climbs for 43 minutes and reaches an altitude of 8,205 meters (26,920 feet) before returning to earth in a 20-minute dive and landing 10 meters (32.8 feet) from its launch point.
  • September 11 – To combat hijackings, President Richard Nixon orders the immediate deployment of armed federal agents aboard U.S. commercial aircraft.
  • October 2 – UH-1N Iroquois “Twin Huey” enters service with USAF Special Operations Center
  • October 19 – Hindustan Aeronautics completes its first license-built MiG-21
  • November 1 – Trans World Airlines introduces “Business Class Ambassador Service” featuring “twin-seat” accommodations on transcontinental flights in the United States, marketing the new service as “a whole new way to fly.”
  • November 21 – American aircraft begin the first major bombing campaign over North Vietnam since 1968, as 300 aircraft attack the Mu Gia and Ban Gari Passes.
  • December 16Venera 7 becomes the first craft to land on Venus.
  • December 20 – First flight of Grumman YF-14A, the F-14 Tomcat prototype
  • December 30 – The Grumman YF-14, is destroyed in a crash during its second flight due to hydraulic failure. Its two-man crew ejects and parachutes safely.


  • January 6 – The United States Marine Corps takes delivery of its first AV-8 Harriers
  • January 20 – First flight of the Grumman E-2C Hawkeye, an all-weather, carrier-capable tactical airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft.
  • January 22 – A United States Navy P-3 Orion sets a distance record for an aircraft in its class of 7,010 miles
  • January 29 – The EA-6 Prowler enters service with the U.S. Navy
  • February 1 – The 4,000th F-4 Phantom II is completed by McDonnell Douglas
  • February 8 – Operation Lam Son 719, the last major airmobile assault of the Vietnam War, begins.
  • March 2 – The United States Marine Corps forms its first attack helicopter squadron and begins combat testing the AH-1J Sea Cobra in South Vietnam.
  • March 17 – Jane Leslie Holley becomes the first woman commissioned through the Air Force ROTC program.
  • March 26 – The United States Army′s 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) is withdrawn from Vietnam.
  • April 26 – A USAF SR-71 Blackbird makes a record-breaking nonstop flight of 15,000 miles, at times exceeding Mach 3
  • June – The last U.S. Marine Corps helicopters depart Vietnam.
  • July 16 – Jeanne M. Holm is promoted to brigadier general, the first woman in the United States Air Force to become a general.
  • September – The Concorde crosses the Atlantic Ocean for the first time.
  • October 14 – The Hague Hijacking Convention, formally the “Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft,” enters into force.
  • December – The U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile) begins to withdraw from Vietnam.
  • December 10 – President Richard M. Nixon warns North Vietnam that American bombing of North Vietnam would resume if North Vietnamese military action against South Vietnam increases, as American forces are withdrawn from Vietnam.
  • December 26 – The United States begins Operation Proud Deep Alpha, which consists of air strikes in three provinces of North Vietnam south of the 20th Parallel. The operation would conclude on December 30.


  • January – The last elements of the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile) are withdrawn from Vietnam
  • January 5 – President Richard M. Nixon announces $US 5.5 billion in funding for the Space Shuttle program.
  • January 19 – A U.S. Navy F-4J Phantom II fighter piloted by Lieutenant Randy “Duke” Cunningham (pilot) and his radar intercept officer, Lieutenant (Junior Grade) William “Irish” Driscoll shoot down a North Vietnamese MiG 21 fighter. It is the first air-to-air victory by an American aircraft over Vietnam since March 1970
  • January 21 – First flight of the Lockheed S-3A Viking, a U.S. Navy anti-submarine warfare aircraft
  • April 7 – American aircraft resume regular bombing of North Vietnam in response to the North Vietnamese “Easter Offensive” invasion of South Vietnam
  • April 19 – North Vietnamese Air Force aircraft bomb U.S. Navy ships at sea, the only such attack during the Vietnam War. Two MiG-17s cause minor damage to the guided missile light cruiser USS Oklahoma City and heavy damage to the destroyer USS Higbee
  • April 24 – The first UH-1B attack helicopters equipped with the TOW antitank missiles arrive in South Vietnam
  • April 25 – A Schleicher ASW 12 sailplane, piloted by Hans-Werner Grosse, sets a distance record of 910 mi.
  • May 10 – The single biggest day of aerial combat of the Vietnam War takes place. U.S. Air Force aircraft shoot down three North Vietnamese fighters and U.S. Navy F-4 Phantom II fighters shoot down eight more.
  • May 19 – U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy aircraft begin Operation Linebacker, a campaign of airstrikes on North Vietnam targeting the transportation of supplies in support of the North Vietnamese “Easter Offensive” invasion of South Vietnam.
  • May 26 – Cessna builds its 100,000th aircraft, the first company in the world to achieve this figure.
  • June – The U.S. Navy’s Grumman F-14 Tomcat fighter begin aircraft carrier trials aboard the USS Forrestal
  • June 21 – French pilot Jean Boulet pilots an Aérospatiale SA-315 Lama to a world-record altitude for helicopters of 40,820 feet. He also sets a record for the longest autorotation in history while descending when his engine flames out and he is unable to restart it.
  • July – Launched from a U.S. aircraft carrier, the first U.S. Navy EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft makes its combat debut over Vietnam.
  • July 27 – The first flight of McDonnell Douglas YF-15A 71-280, which is the first pre-production F-15 Eagle
  • August 28 – Piloting an F-4 Phantom II with Captain Charles B. DeBellevue as his weapon systems officer, Captain Richard S. “Steve” Richie becomes the second American ace, and first U.S. Air Force ace, of the Vietnam War by shooting down his fifth MiG-21.
  • September 22 – The 1,000th Boeing 727 is sold, a sales record for airliners.
  • October 8 – First flight of the Grumman F-14A Tomcat
  • October 10 – A competitive fly-off between the Northrop YA-9 and Fairchild YA-10 begins, continuing until December 9, leading to the A-10 Thunderbolt II
  • October 26 – The Russian-American aviation pioneer Igor Sikorsky dies at the age of 83.
  • October 28 – First flight of Airbus A300 F-WUAB
  • December 5 – The United States Department of Transportation announces that mandatory security screening of all airline passengers will begin at all airports in the United States on January 5, 1973.
  • December 30 – President Richard Nixon orders a halt to the bombing of North Vietnam as the North Vietnamese show a renewed interest in peace negotiations.


  • January 5 – Mandatory security screening of all airline passengers begins at all airports in the United States.
  • January 7 – In the United Kingdom, Cameron Balloons flies the world’s first airship lifted by hot air.
  • January 9 – In the Vietnam War, President Richard Nixon’s administration permits American fighter aircraft to pursue North Vietnamese aircraft north of the 20th Parallel.
  • January 12 – A U.S. Navy F-4 Phantom II fighter off the USS Midway scores the 197th and final American air-to-air victory of the Vietnam War. It is the 61st kill of the war for American carrier-based aircraft.
  • January 18 – the Fairchild YA-10 is selected over the Northrop YA-9 after the U.S. Air Force A-X fly-off competition. The Fairchild YA-10 will become the A-10 Thunderbolt II
  • January 27 – A U.S. Navy F-4 Phantom II from USS Enterprise piloted by Lieutenant Commander Harley Hall is shot down over South Vietnam near the Demilitarized Zone. It is the last American fixed-wing aircraft lost in the Vietnam War.
  • January 29 – A ceasefire agreement between the United States, North Vietnam, and South Vietnam takes effect, ending U.S. participation in the Vietnam War.
    United States vs North Vietnamese Aircraft Losses between 1962 and 1973
  • January 29 – Frontier Airlines hires the first female pilot for any modern-day U.S. airline, Emily Howell Warner. On the same day, the airline also hires its first African-American pilot, Bob Ashby; Ashby is the only Tuskegee Airman to become a commercial airline pilot.
  • March 28 – The last U.S. Air Force aircraft withdraw from South Vietnam.
  • June – first flight of IAI Kfir, an Israeli-built all-weather, multirole combat aircraft copied of a modified French Dassault Mirage 5 airframe
  • June 4 – Soviet pilot Boris A. Orlov sets a world time-to-height record, climbing to 65,616 feet in 2 minutes 49.8 seconds in a MiG Ye-155. On the same day, another Soviet pilot, Pyotr M. Ostapenko, sets two time-to-height world records in a Ye-155, reaching 82,020 feet in 3 minutes 12.6 seconds and 98,424 feet in 4 minutes 3.86 seconds.
  • June 4 – Bonnie Linda Tiburzi (age 24) becomes the first woman pilot to earn her wings with a major American commercial airline.
  • July 25 – Flying a MiG Ye-155, Soviet pilot Alexander V. Fedotov sets two world altitude records, one with a 2,205 pound payload, reaching 115,583 feet and the other with no payload was an absolute world altitude record for a jet-powered aircraft, reaching 118,896 feet.
  • July 26 – First flight of the Sikorsky XH-59A, an experimental co-axial compound helicopter
  • August 15 – The U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Constellation (CVA-64) departs Yankee Station in the Gulf of Tonkin off North Vietnam for the last time.
  • October 26 – First flight of the Dassault-Breguet/Dornier Alpha Jet, a light attack jet and advanced jet trainer


  • February 2 – Official first flight of the General Dynamics YF-16, the prototype of the F-16 Fighting Falcon
  • February 22 – U.S. Navy Lieutenant, junior grade, Barbara Ann Allen is designated a naval aviator, becoming the first female aviator in the United States Armed Forces
  • April 2 – The United States Navy retires its last Douglas C-54 Skymaster.
  • June 4 – Later to be named the Enterprise, construction of the first Space Shuttle begins.
  • June 9 – First flight of the Northrop YF-17, a prototype in competition for the lightweight fighter aircraft. It would lose to the prototype that would become the F-16.
  • June 11 – Northrop YF-17A becomes the first American fighter aircraft to break the sound barrier in level flight when not in afterburner.
  • July 28 – A U.S. Air Force SR-71 Blackbird sets two records for non-rocket-powered aircraft. One is the absolute altitude record of 85,069 feet and the other an absolute speed record of 2,193.2 mph.
  • August 21 – First flight of the Hawker-Siddeley Hawk XX154, a British advanced trainer aircraft.
  • September 1 – The U.S. Air Force SR-71 Blackbird crosses the Atlantic Ocean from New York City to London in a world record 1 hour 54 minutes 56 seconds at an average speed of 1,806.96 mph
  • September 13 – The U.S. Air Force SR-71 Blackbird flies 5,447 miles from London to Los Angeles in a world record 3 hours 47 minutes 39 seconds at an average speed of 1,435.59 mph
  • September 17 – The Grumman F-14 Tomcat entered service with the U.S. Navy
  • October 17 – First flight of the Sikorsky YUH-60, the prototype of the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.
  • November 14 – The McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle entered service with the U.S. Air Force
  • December 23 – first flight of the Rockwell B-1 Lancer, a USAF supersonic heavy bomber


  • In January – A specially modified McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle sets a time to climb record, starting from a standstill on the runway to a height of 98,425 feet in just 3 minutes and 27 seconds
  • January 14 – The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is announced as the winner of the Lightweight Fighter Competition.
  • April – U.S. Navy Grumman F-14 Tomcat fighters fly combat missions for the first time from aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise by conducting air patrols over South Vietnam during the evacuation of Saigon.
  • April 12 – United States Marine Corps helicopters conduct Operation Eagle Pull, the evacuation of Embassy personnel, US citizens, and designated Cambodians from Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
  • April 30 – United States Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps aircraft conduct Operation Frequent Wind, evacuating 7,000 American and at-risk South Vietnamese from Saigon.
  • June 22 – Svetlana Savitskaya sets a new women’s airspeed record of 1,667 mph in the Mikoyan Ye-133, a modified MiG-25PU two-seat trainer.
  • July 15-24, 1975 – Apollo-Soyuz Test Project: First joint U.S.-Soviet human flight
  • August 5, 1975 – NASA’s John Manke landed the X-24B, proving a shuttle-like vehicle without power could land safely upon return from orbit.
  • August 26 – First flight of the McDonnell Douglas YC-15, a prototype designed to replace the C-130, the USAF short take-off and landing tactical transport. Neither prototypes for the competition were chosen but the basic design of the YC-15 would be used to develop the C-17 Globemaster III later on.
  • December 26 – The Tupolev Tu-144, the world’s first supersonic transport, enters service when it makes its first commercial flight, carrying airmail and freight on domestic service in the Soviet Union between Moscow and Alma-Ata
  • December 28 – The Soviet Union commissions its first ship capable of operating fixed-wing aircraft, the Kiev.


  • January 21 – The world’s first supersonic air passenger service begins when the Concorde begins commercial passenger flights for both Air France and British Airways.
  • March 17 – A Japan Airlines Boeing 747 makes the first non-stop flight from Tokyo to New York, taking 11½ hours for the 6,296-mile journey.
  • May 1-3 – Carrying 98 passengers, the Pan American World Airways Boeing Clipper Liberty Bell makes an around-the-world flight during which it sets several world records.
  • July 1 — The National Air and Space Museum opens in Washington, D.C.
  • August 1 – October 1 – American Don Taylor sets a world record as the first person to fly around the world in a home-built aircraft.
  • August 9 – The first flight of the YC-14, Boeing’s entry to replace the C-130. It competed with the YC-15 but neither prototype was selected.
  • September 3Viking 2 lands on Mars, performing the second U.S. landing on another planet.
  • October 12 – First flight of Sikorsky S-72, an experimental hybrid helicopter/fixed-wing aircraft


  • February 18 – A Space Shuttle is airborne for the first time when the Shuttle Enterprise is taken up for a flight atop a Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. Enterprise does not detach from the carrier aircraft during the flight.
  • May 3 – The first flight of the Bell Model 301. This aircraft would lead to the V-22 Osprey.
  • June – The Bell 212 becomes the first helicopter certified by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration for single-pilot instrument flight rules operation with fixed floats.
  • June 30 – President of the United States Jimmy Carter cancels the United States Air Force’s Rockwell B-1 Lancer bomber program.
  • August 23 – The Gossamer Condor becomes the first human-powered airplane to make a fully controlled flight. Pilot Bryan Allen flies the Condor in a figure-8 course for 1.35 miles.
  • August 31 – Soviet test pilot Alexander V. Fedotov zoom climbs the Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-266, a modified Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25RB Foxbat, to attain an altitude of 123,524 feet, setting a new world altitude record for air-breathing aircraft.
  • September 9 – Maxie Anderson, Ben Abruzzo, and Ed Yost depart Marshfield, Massachusetts, in the balloon Double Eagle in an attempt to make the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in a balloon. They fail when they are forced to abort the flight on September 13 off Iceland.
  • October 6 – The first flight of the Mikoyan MiG-29, a Soviet Union twin-engine jet fighter aircraft.
  • October 26–31 – A Pan American World Airways Boeing 747SP circumnavigates the world flying over the North and South poles.
  • November 23 – President Jimmy Carter signs a law recognizing members of the World War II Women Airforce Service Pilots as veterans for the first time.
  • December 1 – The first flight of the Lockheed Have Blue which later developed into the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk


  • February 22 – During an arson fire that destroys the San Diego Aerospace Museum in San Diego, California, several one-of-a-kind aircraft are destroyed, including the Beecraft Wee Bee and Beecraft Honey Bee, as well as a reproduction of the Spirit of St. Louis
  • March 10 – The first flight of the Dassault Mirage 2000, a French multirole, single-engine fourth-generation jet fighter.
  • March 11 – After 32-days and over 9,000-miles flight that begin in England, Flight Lieutenant David Cyster arrives in Darwin, Australia in a de Havilland DH.82a Tiger Moth G-ANRF
  • April – The Mitsubishi F-1, a Japanese supersonic military jet, enters service with the Japan Air Self-Defense Force
  • April 18 – The Vickers Viscount becomes the first turboprop airliner to see 25 years in service.
  • June 28 – The first flight of the Dassault Super Étendard, a French carrier-borne strike fighter aircraft designed to serve the French Navy.
  • July 1–19 – Frank Haile Jr. and William Wisner fly two Beechcraft Bonanzas around the world in formation.
  • July 24 – McDonnell Douglas completes the 5,000th F-4 Phantom II
  • October 24 – President Jimmy Carter signs the Airline Deregulation Act into law.
  • August 11 – Double Eagle II, the first balloon to cross the Atlantic Ocean, lands near Paris on August 17, 1978, a trip that takes 137 hours and 6 minutes to complete.
  • August 20 – The first flight of the British Aerospace Sea Harrier, the United Kingdom’s naval short take-off and vertical landing/vertical take-off and landing (STOVL) jet fighter.
  • September 13 – The first flight of the Aérospatiale Super Puma, a four-bladed, twin-engine, medium-size utility helicopter
  • November 9 – The first flight of the McDonnell Douglass AV-8B Harrier II, the United States’ naval short take-off and vertical landing/vertical take-off and landing (STOVL) jet fighter.
  • November 18 – The first flight of the McDonnell Douglas YF-18A Hornet, the prototype of the F/A-18 Hornet
  • November 20 – The United States Air Force orders development of the McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender aerial tanker.
  • December – The aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal retires. This leaves the Royal Navy without a ship capable of operating high-performance fixed-wing aircraft for the first time since 1918.
  • December 19 – The first flight of the Beriev A-50, a Soviet airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft.
  • December 29 – Freddie To makes the first flight of a solar-powered aircraft, the Solar One.


  • January 6 – The F-16 Fighting Falcon enters service with the U.S. Air Force
  • February 26 – Production of the A-4 Skyhawk ends after 26 years with the delivery of the 2,690th and final aircraft to the United States Marine Corps.
  • March 9 – The first flight of the Dassault Mirage 4000, a French prototype twinjet fighter aircraft.
  • March 10 – The United States Air Force sends Boeing E-3 Sentry airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft to monitor the civil war in Yemen.
  • May 15 – The first flight of the Dassault Mirage 50, a French supersonic attack aircraft.
  • June 12 – Bryan Allen becomes the first person to cross the English Channel in a pedal-powered aircraft. Flying the Gossamer Albatross after departing Folkestone Warren, England in a trip that would take 2 hours and 49 minutes, he lands on a French beach.
  • June 20 – U.S. Navy Lieutenant Donna L. Spruill becomes the first female U.S. Navy pilot to carrier-qualify in fixed-wing aircraft. She pilots a Grumman C-1 Trader to an arrested landing aboard the aircraft carrier USS Independence.
  • June 27 – Israeli Air Force F-15 Eagles shoot down four Syrian Air Force Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21s. These are the first kills for the F-15 Eagle.
  • July 24 – The Bell XV-15 performs the first transition from helicopter to airplane mode.
  • July 24 – NASA research pilot Thomas McMurtry conducted the first flight of a KC-135 jet with winglets to demonstrate fuel efficiency.
  • August 14 – Steve Hinton sets a new piston-engined airspeed record in a specially-modified P-51 Mustang named the RB51 Red Baron. He reaches 499 mph (803 km/h) over Nevada
  • December 12 – The first flight of the SH-60 Seahawk, a twin turboshaft engine, multi-mission U.S. Navy helicopter based on U.S. Army’s UH-60.

Many of the aircraft that entered the service in the 70s are still in flight today. With aging aircraft like the F-4, F-18, F-15, F-16, P-3, E-2C, F-14, UH-60, OH-58, AH-1, and MH-53, keeping the airframes mission-ready requires identifying reliable, cost-effective component lifecycle solutions for electronic, mechanical, and electromechanical systems. Even with tight funding, electronic systems like the Identifying Friend or Foe (IFF) Transponders, radar, communication equipment, and weapons systems must be maintained to ensure mission-critical components are ready to keep those fighters in the air.

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