Gilliam's Hope Visits DuotechA local student club called Gilliam’s Hope visited Duotech on Sunday, March 8 to tour the DSI facilities. Fourteen students from Macon Middle School in Franklin, NC attended to receive a personal, in-depth experience on how Duotech supports aerospace and defense industries around the world. The students visited DSI engineering, repair, and machine shop work areas and gained a unique immersion into the tools and techniques DSI technicians and engineers use on a daily basis to solve customer problems worldwide. Students also received a hands-on session with prototypes developed by DSI engineers using 3D printers, laser cutters, and a wide variety of other state-of-the-art equipment in the machining and fabrication shop. 

apg-68 laser printed acrylicWhile learning about laser printing techniques, the students were given a gift shaped like the APG-68 radar antenna with “Gilliam’s Hope” laser etched onto its face. DSI was grateful to spend time with these great young men and women and to perhaps encourage some to become engineers.

Gilliam's Hope visits duotechGilliam’s Hope is a local student-led club in the Franklin, NC community. Through a rewards-based system, this club encourages students to avoid illegal drug use, stay in school, maintain good grades, and be active in their school and community. For reward, the students are awarded a scholarship at the end of the school year that is placed in an escrow account until they graduate.

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