Duotech will be at the TCG Worldwide Review on September 8 – 10, 2014 in Ogden, Utah. We will be in booths 150-151 and invite you to stop by and meet the team.

F16 TCG Worldwide ReviewThe Worldwide Review (WWR) is the capstone service provided by the TCG each year allowing all member countries to gather in one location to discuss common configuration/maintenance/and logistics issues and meet with qualified vendors, USG Engineers, Equipment Specialists and Program Managers for possible solutions. – Chris Nordberg Chief, F-16 Technical Coordination Group AFLCMC/WWMIG

Duotech will have the ARTES, Automated Reconfigurable Test and Emulation System, on hand for visitors to see and interact with.

For more information visit their website at http://worldwidereview.org/

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