Not only are there space and weight savings because of the Integrated transmit and receive chain, an AESA radar provides opportunity for many performance improvements over a mechanically scanned radar antenna. This video discusses a couple of them.

The high movement speed of the antenna beam allows fast scanning, and keeping the beam still during acquisition which improves spatial resolution. Also, this fast movement speed allow tracking spatially separated targets without scan degradation.

Additionally, the option to operate with multiple simultaneous beams becomes a possibility with AESA system. In this case, multiple targets can be tracked continuously, rather than interlacing between them.

With Duotech’s ARES radar, we can help to determine the functionality optimized for your requirements. We encourage you to pass this video along to your colleagues, friends, and your classroom. If you enjoyed this, we also invite you to also view Daniel Roger’s video, “Antenna Elements to Antenna Arrays.” If you have questions please email us.

What Makes an AESA Radar Better? AESA Radar Advantages


Learn how to upgrade from a mechanical scanned system to an AESA Radar

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