Happy Thanksgiving from Duotech
We embrace this special occasion as a chance to pause and count our blessings. This day is more than just a big meal and football, though both are very important to us. Most importantly, this day is about remembering all that we are are grateful for while surrounded by family and friends.
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
On this day of celebration our thoughts turn to the men and women of our Armed Services. We are so beholden to all the brave soldiers, airmen, sailors, and Marines serving around the world, protecting the freedoms we hold so dear. Many of these young men and women are far away from home, unable to be with their families. It is our prayer that they are safe and warm, surrounded by their second family, their brothers and sisters in arms.

We are especially thankful for our customers, grateful for the pleasure of serving them and meeting their needs.
Doutech will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving on November 27 and 28, 2014.
We wish you a lovely Thanksgiving. May it be a bountiful and joyous day for you and your family.
With many thanks,
The Duotech Family