It is most kids’ dream to have the ability to fly. Some take that dream and make it a career by learning to fly in the military, commercially, or even just privately. But many of us just continue to look up at the sky and dream about ‘what if’. During the Space Age, Hollywood tried to prepare us for a time when we might all have our own jet packs. We’d just strap those power sources to our backs and zip across the sky just to go to the store.
Here we are today, 29 years since the movie The Rocketeer and 71 years since the TV show King of the Rocketmen embedded the excitement of our own rocket backpacks into the American mind. But today, we are still not making quick jumps around our neighborhoods to a nearby town like many of us had hoped. Still each day we get closer than we know to see individual jet packs as adventurous men like Vince Reffet test flight excitingly new technologies.
The video below is from a test flight of Reffet’s test flight on February 14, 2020. In it you will witness his takeoff near Dubai with his jet pack wing and reach an altitude of 5905 feet (1800m) and speeds of 149 mph (130 knots). He can reach speeds up to 248 mph with this pack.
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