industrial automationIndustrial automation processes use control systems like computers or robots to monitor and handle processes and machines. Automation in the industrial workplace provides the advantages of improving productivity and quality while reducing errors and waste, increasing safety, and adding flexibility to the manufacturing process. In the end, industrial automation yields increased safety, reliability, and profitability.

8 Reasons You Need To Invest in Industrial Automation

  1. Reduce Worker Fatigue and Effort or Labor Intensive Operation – Typically, humans dislike banal, repetitive tasks. However, computer systems perform them without complaint. Tasks that lack variability provide a place for automated systems to shine, but this also holds true for systems utilizing advanced sensors and integration. If the task requires conditions not suited to human comfort or focus, consider automation.
  2. Industrial Automation ServicesPrevent Products or Materials from Being Damaged or Destroyed – Humans make mistakes when they fatigue. This embodies the sentiment of the “human condition.” Mistakes using tools mean damaging raw materials, components, assemblies, and end products.
  3. Prevent Non-conforming Product from Shipping – Computers controlling robots do not forget steps. Neglecting to put in a screw requires a human touch. A machine not doing it yields an error to be addressed. Does the process require doing something in a specific order to improve yield? Automated systems will not violate the instruction set. Moreover, automated systems may employ inspection capabilities. Tune the system and allow the data to roll in without preference or bias.
  4. Increase Efficiency – Improving processes for efficiency makes a company more competitive, but do people always do the same thing, in the same way, every time they do it? No, human variation exists. Automated systems allow for improvements that benefit from consistent execution. Perfect planning and training do not defend against the human touch.
  5. Collect Better Data – Remove the accidental data entry or missed data point from logging. Make the method of collecting sensor and process data regulated.
  6. Improve Metrics – Sending reliable data directly to a database provides an ongoing resource. Does the process improve with changes? Why do I see more failures now than in the past? Leveraging data can provide these answers beyond a simple list of pass/fail statistics from the past. Correlation of associated process data with pass/fail records provides insight rather than guessing “what is causing this?”.
  7. Devise the Right Process Improvements – Automated systems now collect reliable data. The database provides a searchable forum. What comes next? Equipped with copious amounts of reliable data, engineers make the most of this information. Where problems existed, light shines on the problem. Rather than just changing to seek “continuous improvement,” make changes with better information.
  8. Save Money – Why instrument that test stand? Why log that data? Why spend the money now? Simply, inventing in industrial automation yields cost savings through making processes more regular and collecting data for making confident decisions.

From concept to production, we work with you to identify cost-effective automation solutions that match your specifications. Most importantly, Duotech delivers high-quality industrial automation services to our customers within the budgeted schedule and cost.

A Team of Engineers You Can Trust

With over 34 years of experience, Duotech employs a quality team of experienced design and test engineers. Innovative solutions provide expedited time to market and open your resources for other project specifications. If your project requirements involve electronics design, Duotech provides you capabilities as an extension of your team for aerospace, maritime, industrial, and military electronics requirements.

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Duotech Industrial Automation Services

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