Tubes Versus Transistors – Watts Relevant
[Watch Video Below] Moving from tubes to transistors may be attractive, but trade-offs exist. In a world that is seeing the move from GaAs to GaN & SiC, an entirely new world of possibilities exist for RF designers. Some realms still feel the dominance of tubes,...
Maintain a Chopper’s Orientation with the ASN-142 Attitude Heading Reference System
Just about one hundred feet above a pine canopy in North Carolina, a Bell OH-58 Kiowa bobs and weaves through the air, returning from a Fire Control and Observation training mission. It is getting dark and the Kiowa whisks along, darting around obstacles. The pilot’s...
13 Considerations When Choosing Automated Test Equipment
After returning from a training mission, an F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot reports a problem he experienced with radar returns during the flight to his crew chief. The airman quickly goes to work running his tests to find the issue. At the aircraft’s Organizational...